Categoría: Bases de Datos

Oracle SQL Revealed

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Learn about analytic functions, the model clause, row pattern matching, and other powerful features in Oracle SQL.

Most real-life queries combine data from multiple tables instead of querying a single table. Logic may be encapsulated in a view to hide complexity from the end user, but the database accesses multiple tables anyway to get the result set. It’s not necessary that data from all tables in a query appear in the result; some tables may be used to filter out data from other tables, for example..


  • Part I: Features and Theory
  • Chapter 2: Query Transformations
  • Chapter 3: Analytic Functions
  • Chapter 4: Aggregate Functions
  • Chapter 5: Hierarchical Queries: Connect by
  • Chapter 6: Recursive Subquery Factoring
  • Chapter 7: Model
  • Chapter 8: Row Pattern Matching: match_recognize
  • Chapter 9: Logical Execution Order of Query Clauses
  • Chapter 10: Turing Completeness
  • Part II: PL/SQL and SQL solutions
  • Chapter 11: When PL/SQL Is Better Than Vanilla SQL
  • Chapter 12: Solving SQL Quizzes
  • Appendix A: Useful Oracle Links
  • Etc...

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