Categoría: Programación

JavaScript for Modern Web Development

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Tamaño: 18.0 MB
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You will learn about the functional, object-oriented programming and asynchronous behaviour, and how JavaScript provides for these. Empowered with the basics, you will proceed to learn the new features of JavaScript, ES2015, and the latest ES2019.

Next, you will apply your learning to build a real application to see how the Web takes shape.At the end, you will also have an introductory section on ReactJS, one of the modern frameworks for UI development and also develop a simple weather application using React.


  • 1. History of JS and how it has revolutionized web development
  • 2. HTML: Creating Web Content
  • 3. CSS: Making content beautiful
  • 4. JavaScript Programming: Making application Interactive
  • 5. Functional programming with JavaScript
  • 6. Object-Oriented JavaScript
  • 7. Asynchronous Programming
  • 8. What’s new in ES2019 JavaScript
  • 9. Building an application with JavaScript
  • 10. Debugging JavaScript Applications
  • 11. Unit test automation
  • 12. Build and Deploy an Application
  • 13. JavaScript Best Practices
  • 14. Introduction to React
  • 15. Building an application with React
  • 16. State Management in React applications
  • 17. Debugging, Testing and Deploying React applications
  • 18. What is next - for becoming a pro?
  • Etc.

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